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Angel Ndlela | Angel Ndlela | Angel Ndlela | Angel Ndlela | Angel Ndlela | Angel | Angel Ndlela | Angel Ndlela | Angel Ndlela

Angel Ndlela



Angel Nqobile Ndlela is a South African singer- songwriter
and business woman, who is better known as the Angel Ndlela. After completing her honors
degree in Industrial Psychology at UKZN Howard College,
she went on to starting her company ANGEL NDLELA GROUP, with a clothing brand
(@an_couture) a clothing factory (@angelndlelaclothingfactory) and is in the construction and
taxi industries.
Simultaneously, she pursed her music, writing and recording music.
The debut single of Angel Ndlela is titled, Uzongkhumbula which features TNS and the
songstress herself, Mpumi Mzobe. Dropping 30 July 2021.





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Angel Ndlela
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